Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Greeks have always had words to expres intense feelings and relationships.

For example: erotism. Did you know that it actually means "curiosity"?

So when we take this Erotic feelings to Second Life, we are actually being curious about ourselves, getting to know things that help us discover more about who we actually are.

If you are already in a relationship in Real Life, is it wrong to feel erotic about someone in Second Life? 

It would only help you discover who you are. See it as a tool. But then...what if it involves Skype? How much of SL is that....?

When does Second Life stop being Second and start being Real? 

Here goes the story:

Rhonda is married in Real Life, but she started feeling that something was missing, not in her marriage because she found her husband perfect, but about herself. She started playing Second Life and fell inlove...with a woman.

Rhonda was finally happy, but always worried because she felt kinda sneaky about it, so she told her husband that she really loved him, but she also loved her new girlfriend in Second Life....and that it would never go to Real Life, she was very happy with things as they were.

Her husband accepted it, they set the boundaries, he even talked with her girlfriend and met on Skype. To them, Skype didnt mean it was RL, but to Rhonda it didnt make her SL relationship less important than her RL one.

She found her balance, her Blisspoint.

Could maybe all partners in Real Life be that opened about Second Life?

Maybe we are finally understanding what Greeks knew since the beginning of time. Maybe Second Life is making us wiser.

After all, we dont only have to live once....now, we can live twice ;)

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