Thursday, February 28, 2019

Skype Me

Leena met Angelo in Real Life after being in a relationship with him in Second Life for 6 months. I'll just paste what she sent me to publish in my blog.

"He was the perfect men, even if he was 12 years older than me I just knew he was the one for me. We used to skype every single day, almost all day. We had lots of sex in videocall, he sent me hundreds of pictures of him, I even met her daughter and he met my 3 boys. When he came to Boston to meet me I was very excited, i felt I knew everything about him already...but when I saw him at the airport everything was just wrong: he was way too short (he wasnt has tall as he said he was, he was almost smaller than me), he was way too in his bones literally....and so so much older! The camera made him look so much different that I felt cheated. He was awful. I didn't even want to kiss him. His perfume repulsed me. Angelo was very sweet but he was like a grandpa. Even his skin felt like an elderly person! My lesson? Dont believe what you see even if it looks real". 

Thank you Leena for sharing your experience!

Is it really what's outside that counts? Well...definitely it DOES count. We arent just an avatar, and we arent just a body. But we arent kissing air, arent we? Lets try to find a better quality for videocalls and less photoshop!

And please people... lets not try to cheat on the videocalls trying to look what we arent.

We arent stupid, and if you plan to meet in Real Life, well we will find out how you look like eventually.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


It is said that we should always allow our instinct guide us. But somehow humans, unlike animals, are always ashamed of our own most natural instincts. 
The most basic one is sex. Animals so it for reproduction. Humans.....for fun. And we try so hard to even make it about love, but lets be honest: nature didnt make it about feelings at all. 

In Second Life these two concepts are are much more clear than in Real Life, maybe because it is easier to talk to someone without seeing an actual face. 

Kim was clear from the beggining about her limits: she didnt want love, she wanted money and presents. And Ian was up to give her that, but he wanted her to make him feel loved in exchange of that money. This Sugarbaby relationship went on for a few months, and they were really enjoying it. Infact, Kim was enjoying it more than she thought she ever would. 

One night she logged in crying, her rl was complicated at the time and she felt the only person she could talk with was Ian, so she IMmed him. He didnt answer. She had the landmark of his house so she thought maybe she could tp, they were so confident by then. But the surprise was that when she arrived he was with his friends...and he got so upset because to him she was just a Sugarbaby that he would never introduce to his friends. 

The whole relationship was a lie, thats what they both signed for. Everytime he had been sad she was there for him. But when it came to her..."When I see you I always give you what you want. But if we dont plan to see eachother, you have absolutely nothing to give me. That was our deal" he said. 

He did it for survival, he didnt have to sign up for a relationship with a real girlfriend and all that it takes. She did it for the same reasons, but when she confused it with love...she hit her head against a huge wall called REALITY. 

Are we wrong when we make intimacy be about love? 

Is a relationship really about love....or is it actually about survival?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Overcome Real Life

This is like all of my stories, 100% true. 

He stared at the club every single day with a Tag on his name announcing he had already spent more than L$40,000 that month tipping strippers and escorts there. 
It was amazing: he just walked there and stayed quiet at some random corner while the girls went crazy trying to seduce him. Girls must have thought he was very hard and jerking off on the other side of the screen, they laugh in IM and make jokes of how he went quiet because according to them he was masturbating with the stupid things they were saying. 

The truth....? 

He is in a wheelchair in RL. About a year ago he had an accident, he was drunk (he was ALWAYS drunk) and he decided it was a good idea to drive home. Now he cant feel anything from his hips down. And he is always depressed...but he cant drink anymore to drown his sorrows. 

Everytime he goes anywhere is RL they all pitty him. He needs to feel desired, to be treated as a the man he actually is. 

So staring at the Strip club in SL 24/7 with all those women all over him all the time...that is what makes him feel human nowadays. 

Its sad that he feels he has to pay for that, but lets be honest: women usually arent so opened in SL, always afraid men will think we are hitting on them. 

Even more sad...the bullying the strippers did there was totally unnecessary. 

One day one of them asked him "Hey, do you like speed? Like....anything on, bikes....whatever?" I was the only one knowing who he is in RL. And I almost faint that day xD. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

SL Soulmate

Is there such thing as a Second Life Soulmate?

Valentines Day is almost here and most of my friends are wandering around Dating Agencies in Second Life. It seems that being single is hell of a torture in February, except for all the escorts offering a special -high- rate for that day. And those who already have a date and a present.

I couldnt help but wonder, are we just looking for someone to spend some time with and have fun? Or are we really looking for our Soulmate? 

Suddenly, I heard an absurd statement:

"I am happily married in Second Life, she is the love of my life in-world. And we are best friends as well in Real Life"

Wait, rewind, what?

He only loves her in Second Life, but in Real Life all they have is a friendship...? What are we exactly dealing with in Second Life?

Do you think we have a Second Life Soulmate and a totally different Soulmate in Real Life?

We dont say "I'm in love and married to that person in Facebook, but out of the social network im single". So why do we keep lying to ourselves saying that we only love that person in Second Life?

Oh I'm sorry, I am actually falling for you....wait, let me switch this thing off.....oh there we go...I'm not falling anymore, I forgot it was only SL, had to program my heart again to be just a pixel little thing and stop existing at all while i talk with you. We dont want to risk being real dont we? 
